Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It worked for Mikensi...

Dear Lily,

Your contract expires tomorrow, September 2. Please vacate the premises as soon as possible.


Your Landlady

I've been having a rough day today. At last weeks appointment I was told that I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Exciting! Today when I was checked she said that my cervix was so far up that she couldn't even tell. Come. On. Is that even possible? She said that the baby's head moved down, possibly in a posterior position, so it pushed the cervix back. It just doesn't even make sense to me. ALL BABIES MOVE DOWN. THAT IS HOW THEY GET OUT. On both of these occasions I felt like I was begging just to be checked. The way I see it, it is my body and I have the right to know what is going on with it. It's not like I was asking for a quick surgery. These are prenatal nurses. IT'S WHAT THEY DO. They also keep giving me the run around for the induction process. It's like they won't discuss it until it HAS to happen. I was 2 weeks late with Oliver. My mom was late with all of her children. I know my body. I'M GOING TO BE LATE, LET'S TALK ABOUT THE PROCESS. This is what I have been told so far... They won't induce all the way at 2 weeks, because they don't want to be on the edge (whatever that means). They don't induce on weekends, which includes Fridays. So even though my 2 weeks overdue-ness is the 16th, the latest they'll induce is the 10th. When I asked if they could just induce this Thursday, she looked at me like I was asking to be induced 6 weeks early and said "We don't do elective inductions." So at some point between September 4 and September 10 we cross the line between "elective" and "medically necessary" induction. But when? I'm having a non-stress test done on Monday and then another appointment on Tuesday. Maybe MAYBE they will actually discuss induction then. The frustrating part about this whole pregnancy (since we moved to Dover) is that the workers at the doctors office don't really listen to the patient. I've encountered this with the nurses, the nutritionists, the lactation specialists, and the social workers. They have their set script and their 30 seconds with me, and anything beyond that they let you know that you are putting a dent in their style OR just ignore what is being said. The whole experience at this practice has made me really want to get my nutrition degree. Now that I've been on the receiving end of nutrition "advice", I know how demeaning it is the way that it is delivered. And the thing is, I remember learning these methods in my nutrtion classes. The methods all make the recipients feel like children. And what do you do when you are made to feel like a child? Act like a child. So in a way, these people are perpetuating the behavior that they are trying to change. Okay, okay. Deep breaths, deep breaths... It will all be over soon...


Shauna said...

Jess I can completely understand how you feel!! If the nurse couldn't feel the cervix she should have asked another person to try. That is what they had to do for me in the hospital and it really helped getting a second opinion. At least I felt like they were trying to help me instead of making me feel crazy. Hang in there and please oh please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. You were such a help to me and I really would like to return the favor. We are excited to meet Lily. She will be here soon I promise.

Anonymous said...

You have to stand up for your body and your birthing experience, be demanding you have a right to be, don't take the run around. If the nurse isn't helpful, demand to speak to the doctor and don't accept anything less. Good luck!

Cindi said...

You knw we are all waiting for any kind of news...anxiously waiting...so update us daily as to the status of your "tenant"...

mikensi said...

darn, guess it didn't work! :(