*1. Were you married at the time?* yes*2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant?* well...i guess we'll have a scottish baby...
*3. How old were you?* 20 when I was preggers, 21 when I had him
*4. How did you find out you were pregnant?* home test because i was 3 days late
*5. Who did you tell first?* My stupid boss so I could leave work early
*6. Did you want to find out the sex? Definitely, we could barely wait the 16 weeks!
*7. What was your due date? October 26, 2007
*8. Did you deliver early or late?* two stupid weeks late
*9. Did you have
morning sickness?* never, although i used it as an excuse to get out of class (I was still in college)
*10. What did you crave? peanut butter and bagels, fried clams
*11. Who irritated you the most?* everyone who didn't notice i was preggo! I wanted everyone to know!
*12. What was you first child's sex?* boy
*13. How many pounds did you gain throughout your pregnancy?* 35
*14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?* just being 2 weeks late
*15. Where did you give birth?* LRGH
*16. How many hours were you in labor?* about 5. I had Pitocin at 9, but didn't feel contractions until about noon. I pushed for 15 minutes.
*17. Who drove you to the hospital?* my husband
*18. Who watched?* Shane, Mom, Erica Russell (my midwife) and two nurses
*19. natural or c-section? natural
*20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain?* hecks no! I kind of meditated into a trance, it was pretty cool
*21. How much did your child weigh?* 8lbs 12ozs
*22. What did you name him/her?* Oliver David Sargent
*23. How old is your first born today?* 13 months exactly!
I tag Becky, Shauna, Jen H., Jenn M., and all of the other moms out there!