Monday, August 11, 2008

Pictures from the weekend

We finally set up a swing for Oliver in the backyard. As you can see he loves it. He used it once and it has rained ever since. :(On Sunday we managed to wrangle up all of the '07 babies for a picture. 2007 must have been a very fertile year!At the Mom and Dad Sargent's last night Oliver crawled forward 2 steps! He hasn't been able to recreate it again though...I wrote an entry about the fresh food feeder we got Oliver, and here it is in action. He enjoyed the watermelon that was inside.

And finally can we just talk about the Olympic Opening Ceremonies???


marisaj said...

i've played at that same swingset.
he better be walking by the time i come home. also. last call for aussie stuff.

Anonymous said...

He is just so cute! Looks just like you Jess, except, you're quite a bit thinner in the face/body department!
All babies should be that squeezable.

Cindi said...

Love that picture of all the fun when they are all teenagers! Leah is sure gonna love having all those boys to be friends with!!! So cute!

Erica said...

HOW CUTE ARE THOSE BEE BEE'S??!! I LUV IT! Good thing Melissa and Nicole are having girls so we can balance it out with all our boys!!