Thursday, August 21, 2008

Garden 'o' Love

Now those of you who know me know that I have the opposite of a green thumb...a purple pinkie? A few years ago Shane and I plonked down a large sum of money to grow what we named the "garden 'o' love" we nursed all of our plants from seeds and we spent a whole afternoon at his parents house planting the seedlings. We lived in Dover at the time and didn't have a yard of our own. Anyway, long story frost came through and destroyed the whole garden.
I made a second attempt this year, but a very scaled back one. I planted parsley, basil and cherry tomatoes in pots. I am happy to say that they all grew and produced! I've even been able to freeze some of the parsley and basil to use in the winter time! The cherry tomatoes only produced about a dozen tomatoes, but I'm excited that they produced anything! It really boosted my self esteem to eat a tomato that I planted myself and I hope to do more gardening in the future.


Shauna said...

Good for you Jess! Mike got me rosemary, parsley and chives for Mothers' Day and I have killed them all. I will have to chat with you for your secret.

Jenn said...

Congratulations! I can't say I've ever grown anything you could eat, but this year my flowers made it through the whole summer without me killing any of them and that's a first for me!

Mike and Ariane said...

Nice job! We are finally getting a tomato to turn red! We are definitely not gardeners, but one pot of tomatoes and a pot of a start!