Monday, April 14, 2008

Mayan Wrap

I LOVE my Mayan Wrap! My mom made it for me (she got the pattern from a website. Oliver loves hanging out in it, and can even fall asleep and have a little nap in it! Its so much easier to put on and put Oliver into it than any other baby carriers I've used. Oliver always wants to be held, so this is a way to keep my hands free while I am cooking, cleaning, or doing anything else. I love it! Thanks mom!


Anonymous said...
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mikensi said...

hey, we made those in RS. well, there was an activity for "sewing baby slings". slings.. is that like.. sling SHOT? anyway, i didn't make one... i'm sure i'll bump into one later down the road. that's cool that he likes chillin in it and you're able to get things done. remember to not lift the baby by his head. lol!

Homeschool Mom said...

When Tyler was little I had one that he sat in. I was always worried that he would fall out of it. It just didn't feel secure. I wish I had one like yours when he was a baby!

Maria Foley

Becky said...

Okay...just knowing that your mom made you that makes me want to have another baby just so I can have one. Think she would make me one?:) Mayan wrap sounds like a yummy sandwich - and Oliver certainly is cute enough to eat! LOVE IT!