I'm a little behind in posting this, but right around the time we moved, so about 2.5 weeks ago, Oliver FINALLY learned the most important word in the English language...Mama!! It took 18 loooong months, but he now says it...a lot! But I have to say, I still relish every time he says it, I think I appreciate it a little more because I had to wait so much longer than many other moms to hear those magical words! I have a video of him saying it which I will add later.
Some other new words; buh is bus, broom is truck (as in vroom vroom)....hmm, I thought there were more!
We've begun the rough transition into Nursery for Oliver. Right now we are trading off weekly who is with him the second hour and who is with him the third. This is the curse of the SAHM. We can not easily leave our children...even to use the bathroom! I don't know if this is a good or bad thing but there is only one other child in Nursery and two leaders, so there isn't as much distraction for Oliver but he gets more attention from the leaders. I hope that within a month he will be able to make it through. Of course this week is Stake Conference, so the whole groove gets thrown off anyway!
We've really settled in and are so happy to be "home." We both really feel that this is our home and where we are meant to be and love being here!
Top 10 Winter Field Trips
1 day ago
YAY, I am way excited for you, Jess! I am so glad you are happy and loving your new place, too! Although, I really miss you being around :)
Love ya!
You are doing the right thing with Oliver in the nursery--after a few weeks, you will see him confident in being there...and then just take baby steps away from him...just never sneak away; that is a guaranteed regression...we miss you in Laconia!
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