Friday, February 27, 2009

HE GOT THE JOB! (a job post)

Now we can provide more detail...
It is in Dover.
It is at Liberty Mutual.
In Dover.
It is with computers.
And it is in Dover.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...
Somersworth Ward:
Your prodigal children are returning!



Felicitaciones!!. We are very happy for you. But we will miss you a lot!!!

Shauna said...

YEA!!!! We were just talking to the Olsens a week or so ago about how you guys should move back down here with us! I am so excited for you to live closer so we can go to the Childrens Museum in Dover. It is one of Carter's favorite places. Congratulations!!!

Mike and Ariane said...

We got a leak on the news early...but so glad to hear you are headed south. :-)

Cindi said...

HOORAY for you!!!! BOO HOO for us!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont know whether to say congrats or to cry! :) :(

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am soooooooooo happy for you guys! I am going to miss you soooooooooooooooo much!!

Monica said...

No FAIR!! I want to move to Somersworth!! Congratulations! How fantastic!! Jobs are great things!

~ eRiN ~ said...

Yeah for the job but wah! I will miss you and your cute family so much! They are lucky to have you back, Danny and Craig will be thrilled.

Jen Hallam said...

You mean someone, besides you, wants to hang out with Shane all day! This IS BIG HUGE NEWS! HA HA! We are totally excited about his new job and hope he rocks it big time in his shirt and tie every day!

mikensi said...

that is sooo excitiinnggg!!

Mike and Ariane said...

Hey did you get our email about apartments down here?