Saturday, February 14, 2009


Yesterday morning I came down to a wonderful Valentine's surprise (we celebrate on the 13th). Shane had developed a poster sized family portrait and framed it along with a box of chocolate for Oliver and me. He also wrote each of us a wonderful little note. It was a great way to start the day.

Yesterday evening we went to the temple which was a great way to end the day. We were met there by the Stephensons, Flanders, Simpsons, Mark, and Diane G. It was a great session, and I'm always amazed (and thankful) for the silence in the temple.

After the temple we all went to the Texas Roadhouse restaurant. Good Texas cookin' for a pretty cheap price.

It was a great day, which I have no pictures of because (OOPS) I left my camera at the restaurant!! So today I am off to Nashua to [hopefully] retrieve my camera. Wish me luck!

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