Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oliver's 6 month birthday!

OK, maybe we're just sentimental, maybe we like to eat cake too much, and its probably just because this is our first child, but we celebrated Oliver's 6 month birthday on Friday. Its hard to believe that a. this little guy has been with us for 6 months and b. that its only been 6 months! I'm sure all mothers out there know what I'm talking about. Mom and Dad came over to have cake with us and they even brought presents! They got him two extremely cute books, Russell the Sheep and Good Boy, Fergus. It was a great night and I am proud to say that I have now exclusively breastfed for 6 months! (I'm actually nursing as I type!)

Yummy tomato basil pizza for dinner!

Oliver pining for some cake
I love my baby!
Grandparents arriving and being goofy (Dad's holding ice cream, mom has the present)


marisaj said...

I'm sad the pizza didn't spell out anything. but cute.

Erica said...

Wow, those are some cute parents you have! LOVE THEM!!