Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jessica and Shane; a brief background

1.What are your middle names? Jessica Bates and Shane Christian
2.How long have you been together? Since October 2004
3.How long did you know each other before you started dating? 1 month
4.Who asked who out?
After a 4 hour walk together we ended the walk holding hands, so I think it was an assumed, mutual agreement
5.How old are each of you? Shane is 30 (he'll be 31 on the 13th!) and Jess is 22

6.What is your astrological signs? Shane is Gemini and Jessica is Pisces

7.Who's mother do you see the most? Jess' lives next door

8.Who’s siblings do you see the most? You'd think with 7 siblings we'd see mine more! But we see Shane's two sisters much more.

9.Do you have any children together? Sweet Baby Oliver
10.What about pets? We used to have to ferrets; Storm and Blizzard, but we had to give them to the SPCA when we moved into a no-pets apartment
11.What are their names? Oops...Storm and Blizzard

12.Did you go to the same school? Shane went to Franklin and PSU while Jess went to Inter-Lakes and UNH
13.Are you from the same hometown? Our hometowns are about 4 towns apart. Shane's is Franklin, Jessica's is Center Harbor

14. What town do you live in now? Center Harbor

15.Who is the smartest? We're both pretty smart little cookies. We both graduated from college cum laude

16.Who is the most sensitive? Definitely definitely Jessica
17.Where do you eat out most as a couple? Nice dinner out-Italian Farmhouse (Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, our wedding reception...)

Regular dinner out- Friendly's! Yum!

18.Where do you shop the most as a couple? Hannaford
19.Where is the furthest you have traveled together? After much research together, we figured out that it was, indeed, to Glasgow, Scotland (which is further than Mexico City)
(at the airport on our way to Glasgow)
20.Who has the best group of friends? Shane would say his, Jessica would say hers

21.Who has the craziest quirks? We're both pretty quirky people...and I will leave it at that...

22.Who has the worst temper? Definitely definitely Jessica
23.Who does the cooking? Definitely definitely Jessica...with a little help from Oliver!
24.Who is more social? We're both pretty social butterflies, we're just social in different circles of people.

25.Who is the neat-freak? BY FAR Shane

26.Who is the most affectionate? Shane

27.Who is the most stubborn? BY FAR Jessica
28.Who hogs the bed most? Oliver
29.Where was your first date? After some discussion we figured it was the 4 hour long walk we took around Newmarket. We got hot chocolate at Irving at about 4 am.

30.Love at first sight? Yes.

(OK, so this is after the first sight, but you can feel the love, can't ya!?)

31.Who said I Love You first? Shane. Jessica took about a month after he did to say it back. What can I say! I like to keep him on his toes!
32.Who has the bigger family? Jessica
(Jessica's siblings...she's the one in red holding her lip)

33. Do you give/get flowers often? Shaney boy surprises Jessica with flowers about once a month. She loves it!

(roses on Valentine's Day)
34.How do you spend the holidays? We are on a very strict schedule that alternates every year. Easter and Thanksgiving get swapped each year from the Sargent's to the Johnson's and Christmas morning is spent at the Johnson's and Christmas afternoon/evening is with the Sargents.


Homeschool Mom said...

You guys are too cute! I love this post. It is a chance for us to see a little more about you and your sweet family. I am glad you are so much in love. Take care!


marisaj said...

i believe your querk is actually MINE. arrr pirate!!!

Mike and Ariane said...

It's fun to know the answers before they come...that means we know you well! I love the addition of photos! Brings new meaning to the answers!

Jenn said...

Fun little post! I bet Oliver will be a big kitchen helper when he gets a little bigger!