Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm back, baby!

I just made a VERY exciting discovery... I can actually update the blog on my iPad!!! It's hard forcnvncncncnc me to steal away to Shane's office to type ups little something, but I always have my iPad with me, so you should be seeing a lot more of me!
I will do a quick year in review of our year as 2011 was probably our biggest and best year!!!
I'm not sure if I updated about this before, but we finally got a second car back in March. We'd been making it on one, but that meant I didn't have a car most days, and when I did, I had to drop Shane off and pick him up from work. I cringe thinking about all the effort!
Obviously in May sweet baby Darcy Rose was born. We call her our consolation prize. She is such a pleasant, go with the flow baby. Oliver and Lily, while I love them to bits, we're high maintenance babies, so it is SO nice to have one that doesn't act like she's dying every time she's put down!
Memorial Day weekend we put an offer on a gorgeous house in Rochester. It was SO roomy, beautiful kitchen, and a foreclosure...so the price was right!! On June 28 we moved into that dream home! On July 1 we shipped off to Hawaii for a family reunion!!! That trip will have its own post, but we'll just say for now that it was definitely memorable!
So after 9 days in Hawaii we returned to our brand new home and our brand new ward. Week 1 I was called to be primary 2nd counselor and Shane was called to be youth Sunday school teacher. Rochester was a very small ward, but everyone was incredibly active and hands down amazing. What they lacked in numbers, they made up for in spirit!
Right as we were getting acclimated to the new ward, actually the week of our primary presentation, our ward was recombined with Somersworth. Everyone in Rochester was released from their callings, so I got to go to HALF of Relief Society before I was called as primary secretary, haha. Shame was called as ward missionary.
Oliver got to be in 2 primary presentations as Somersworth hadn't yet had theirs when we recombined. Oliver was a little nervous for the first one, but nailed his part and even sang a little for the second one! We were so proud of him.
In September, I got sick of laying in bed with the kids for an hour every night to get them to sleep, so I did some sleep training with the older 2. In less than a week I had lily going down happily for a 2 hour nap daily and both kids down for the night by 730. Bribery with chocolate chips and marshmallows may have been involved, but I take the "whatever it takes" approach :)
In September I also started watching 2 little girls 3-5 days a week. Claire has the same birthday as Lily and her mom and I are friends (she also used to work for Shane at the movie theater) and Averie will be 2 this month and was a member of the Rochester ward when we moved in. The extra income I get from watching them is SUCH a blessing, not to mention the fact that the kids get friends to come play every day!! It has limited our ability to get out and about as I don't have enough seats in the car, but between maintaining the home and juggling 4 nap schedules, I prefer staying home anyway!
Darcy started crawling a little over 7 months and started solids around that time, too. At 8 months she's pulling herself into standing, and it's only a matter of time before she's walking!!!
2 days a go I cracked open zlily's big girl undies that she got for Christmas, and she has taken to potty training with gusto! In 2 days she has had NO accidents, and that includes a day at MyMy's house and a dinner at Friendlys! If it continues this smoothly, I really have NOTHING to complain about!
Expect to see a lot more updates now that I know I can do it on the fly! Right now though, Oliver and Lily are begging to watch Mighty Machines and breakfast needs to be made! It's good to be ack!

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