Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Florida Day 7

Oh my goodness, let's wrap this thing up so I can move on with my (blogging) life!

On Friday we went to Downtown Disney. If you've never been its just a bunch of Disney stores. It is not in any of the parks, you don't have to pay to get in, but it still has a nice Disney atmosphere. It was the hottest day, so the perfect day to go shopping!

Our first stop was the Lego store! So much fun! There are just so many Legos and it is so easy to get carried away in there! You kind of forget most of this stuff is stuff you can get in Wal-Mart. The best part are the awesome Lego statues they make. They also have a small playground outside of the store, which was fun for Oliver.

At the Disney store we got all of our souvenirs. A crazy straw cup and a set of cups with Mickey, Goofy, Pluto and Donald on them for Oliver. A Minnie rattle and Minnie/Daisy sippy cup for Lily. And for me? A Mickey Mouse colander, of course! (I have a colander collection that I LOVE)

It was so h0t out that we let Oliver play in the ground fountains for about a half an hour. He loved it so much! What a ham! After we changed him, MyMy paid for him to have a little train ride by himself. He looked so pensive the whole ride, it was like his unwinding time!

For lunch we had Ghirardelli sundaes. Yumyum! They were eaten too quickly to have photographic evidence:)

In the afternoon we took one last dip in the pool. For dinner Sheena made everyone some delish pasta and meatballs.

Saturday's return trip went even smoother than the trip down. The kids did super great. Lily decided she'd had enough on the bus ride home. She screamed for about 20 minutes, but was find the rest of the ride.

It was just such an awesome trip and I am so grateful for my great family and that I was able to enjoy all of these experiences with them!

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