Monday, June 16, 2008

Sickie Update

So I just went to our FNP to talk more about Oliver and he determined that Oliver does NOT have Bronchitis and that his body is already fighting the ear infection on his own so we don't need to use antibiotics! What a blessing it is to have such a healthy boy and a great FNP!


Jenn said...

I'm glad to hear sweet Oliver is getting a little better! We missed those chubby cheeks at church on Sunday! As far as the meds, do you have a finger feeding syringe? I used one with Karina to supplement when she was first breastfeeding and my milk was delayed coming in due to my having bronchitis. You have the baby suck on your finger and slip the super thin, curved syringe in next to it. I can't see why you couldn't use it for meds instead of milk, as long as the meds aren't too thick.

Erica said...

Hi, glad he's doing better...missed you Sunday. I had the same thing Jenn mentioned. As the pediatrician if they have one or the pharmacy. If you have the regular infant syringe, just do it on the side, as far back as you can get it without gagging him :) You will have to hold his head still, as most infants do not like that!

Mike and Ariane said...

He's too cute to get sick!

mikensi said...

yay for a healthy baby ^^