Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Father's Day

We finally got to celebrate Father's Day this Sunday because Shane and Oliver were both feeling much better. Oliver gave Shane a book called "I Love Daddy" and a pin that said "#1 Dad". They're both very cute and I love them both to death!

Then this morning I had to take a picture of them sleeping because they're both too stinkin' cute not to! Oliver, as you can see, is a bit of a bed hog. I constantly have to pull him back toward me at night...he just wants to be near his daddy!


Mike and Ariane said...

Happy belated father's day Shane!

mikensi said...

how cute!

p.s. at least puppies are smaller than 8-10lb babies! but, don't worry. i don't practice beastiality. lol. oh sick, where has this conversation led me to!?

Jenn said...

Way cute pictures of Oliver with Daddy! He does look like a little bed hog, though!