Monday, April 18, 2011

Didja miss me!?

I'll be honest, I have no excuse for the 6 month lapse in writing, other than the kids get VERY interested in the computer when I'm on it and make it very hard to type. Weak excuse, I know. Also, I STILL haven't figured out how to get my pictures off of my phone, so I don't have and photos. I'll try to grab a few off of facebook to throw up here.

Oliver and Lily have turned into little quote machines and I love whenever they say their little phrases. Yesterday's came from Oliver. He was laying on the couch and we weren't letting him go to bed yet because we wanted to make sure Lily was asleep before he went in (they share a room now, both sleep much better, it's GREAT) he starts muttering to himself "I really really want to go to bed, but this couch is SO comfy and cozy!" he repeated it until he fell asleep! What a sweet boy!

Lily has recently taken to wearing bows and elastics in her hair. She doesn't fight me when I put them in, in fact, if she finds a stray elastic, she demands I put it in her hair! She does this by putting it on her head and saying "Pretty pretty!" Adorable!

I can't wait to add another sweet baby into the mix! I'm 38 weeks, so I have 2-4 weeks left before I get to meet my sweet Darcy Rose!

36 weeks

Bed head!!

Oliver's first talk in Primary. He only needed the first word of each sentence, he had the rest memorized!

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