On July 14, at exactly 10 months old, Lily took her first steps! We were at our friend Shauna's house and she took 4 steps. This week she has finally been trying to really walk. I forgot how cute it is to watch a little baby learn how to walk!! I love watching her little marching steps! She loves to walk over to me, put her hands up, and just fall onto me. Sorry about the lack of picture updates, Shane and I got new phones mid-month and I've been taking pictures and videos on there. It is blue tooth enabled, so Shane just has to set it up. What this means is that I don't have to plug the phone into the computer to get the images/videos off of it, the computer just senses that teh phone is near and loads them on it automatically! Anyway, I've had trouble getting on the big computer with the phone meeting all my needs, so the blog has been abandoned for a bit.
Lily has also said her first and second words (other than mama and dada). She's super obsessed with dogs, so she can say "dog." She gets VERY excited whenever she sees one. She flails her arms, bounces up and down and says "dog! dog! dog! Dog!" Super cute!
Last night I was holding her and she pointed to the picture of Jesus that we have in the living room and said "Jesus!" (well, more like "jee-jus", but close enough!) I'm excited for her growing vocabulary! A week ago she weighed 23 lbs 11 oz.
She has also finally figured out the food tastes good! We introduced solids at 8 months and have had a tough time getting her to eat anything other than cheerios and blueberries. In the past week, she finally figured it out! She's eaten lentils and rice, sweet potatoes and chicken, and pears and rice cereal! All things she would tantrum about a month ago! She also likes to feed herself. When we were at the Laconia Ward RS pool party she downed probably 1.5 cups of wagon wheel pasta. Thank you, Erin F. for bringing that!! She also ate a whole meatball on Wednesday night!!
Oliver continues to be the cutest boy in all the land. He comes up with new phrases daily. He loves to repeat our oft repeated phrases "that sounds like a good idea!" "thats a good deal!" "dad missed us sooooo much!" "oh COME ONE" "this is fun/great!" "my FRIENDS!" "stop this RIGHT NOW!" the last one is his favorite. He says it over and over when he gets his diaper changed. He's also gotten in trouble a few times for saying "shut up" and "crap". Obviously he's heard them somewhere (ME) so when I catch myself saying them in front of him, I put myself in timeout so he knows its not acceptable. I am glad that those are the worst words that come out of his mouth, that we have clean enough language we don't have to worry about worse issues.
Top 10 Winter Field Trips
1 day ago